Wednesday, January 27, 2010

January Twenty Something

Today is January twenty-something, in the new year of two thousand and ten, and I, Joe Nason, have had a revelation of sorts: why should I let a perfectly good blog just waste away with a semi-failed experiment in its archives?

Why not keep updating a perfectly good blog with a semi-failed experiment in the archives? It seems like a much better idea.

Therefore, I officially shall change the name of the blog from Homefries: A Love Story to Food: A Love Story (for now at least).

I am going to start posting in here about food: food I eat, food I make, food I think about, food everything. I've got nothing better to do, right?

And thus this post, on January twenty-something, commemorates the name change of a (semi) failed experiment into something that I hope will be prosperous and useful, not only to you, the reader, but to myself as well.

Cook. Eat. Live. Love.